1. Some wall storage pockets to keep papers off your desk and on the wall—so you'll know exactly where your lesson plan is on Monday morning and won't have to spend 15 minutes searching for it.
2. Some pen and pencil holders you can use on your desk to keep all those random things you've accumulated from students organized, but not in a big huge pile.
3. A 10-drawer cart that'll not only be a great place to stash things, but also add a bright spot to the room.
4. Some pencil baskets so you don't have to ~point~ out where they go at the end of the class, your students *should* know where to put their pencils if these are hanging around.
5. A storage center you're going to have ~a-round~ for a long time because it is just so dang useful.
6. A five-shelf book shelf to display all the wonderful titles you have and prove to your students that reading really is great.
7. A daily schedule pocket chart so everyone always knows what's going on and you *probably* won't be asked, "What are we doing next?" approximately 100 times a day.
8. A desk organizer because no matter what grade you teach, you should keep your desk organized to (hopefully) keep yourself organized as well.
9. Chair-back pockets so your students have a place to store their stuff right behind them.
10. A 36-pocket organizer you could use for a variety of different thing—including calculators or phones if you want to ensure that your students are not texting at all during class.
11. A whiteboard pocket to take advantage of the storage space the board offers.
12. An eight-compartment bankers box perfect for putting graded papers in so you know exactly where they are when your class get there in the morning and wants to know how they did on that test.
13. An expanding file folder because somehow your papers really seem to ~grow~ throughout the year.
14. A three-tier metal mesh cart with wheels – if your organization is on a ~roll~, this will help keep it going.
15. An over-the-door holder that'll be ~hanging~ out in your classroom for a long time because it's durable and can withstand the test of time.
16. A magnetic pencil holder with three compartments so you always know exactly where the dry erase markers are.
17. Some magnetic hooks so strong, your kids won't be able to pull them down – even if they try super hard.
18. Classroom caddies that are perfect for art supplies. Plus, you can stow them away and just grab 'em whenever you need them.
19. File crates designed to fit file folders perfectly. They also make great seats, if that's more of what you're looking for.
20. Some loose leaf binder rings you'll find so many uses for, you won't know how you lived through school years without them.
21. And some small storage baskets for crayons or glue or anything else your kids end up leaving strewn everywhere around the room.
22. Acrylic magnets to hold up important papers you just can't lose on file cabinets or any other magnetic surface.
23. And an under-desk basket to take advantage of any wasted space your desk may have. Your classroom is only so big—so you gotta make the most of it.
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