
Aquarius August 9-16th When their passion is just too much! Speak from the heart

Aquarius August 9-16th When their passion is just too much! Speak from the heart My dear Aquarius, the energies are powerful this week to speak of something that is weighing heavily upon you. Leo season is giving us a big push to be very authentic in our relationships.
And a certain relationship is coming to the point where there needs to be a change or you will crack with the pressure. Yes there is passion but you need to speak up and let other's know you need time away. You need some time to get your heart and emotions in a better balance. You have a lot of responsibility on you right now and if you do not speak up to a certain Air or Fire sign (or maybe a Virgo) you will be forced to break things off just for your own healing.
So with Jupiter going direct in Sagittarius the same day as Uranus is stationing to go Retrograde in Taurus on August 11th, it's the time to be the enlightened witness and get a higher perspective to get the answers you need to go forward in a much healthier way and then to resume the relationship. You need some ME time away..You need the Taurus stable foundation to get yourself together.
A good week to get yourself all together to balance out these strong vibes!
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