
Dark Star Park 35th Anniversary Celebration

Dark Star Park 35th Anniversary Celebration Every August 1st at 9:32 am, Nancy Holt’s Dark Star Park (1984), in Arlington’s Rosslyn neighborhood, aligns with the sun. Shadows cast by the spheres and poles of this landmark outdoor sculpture align with their permanent forms on the ground, marking the moment of Rosslyn’s founding. This year, the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden and Holt/Smithson Foundation join with Arlington Public Art in celebration of the 35th anniversary of Dark Star Park. Nancy Holt’s sculpture is both a regional landmark and a cornerstone of Arlington’s internationally acclaimed public art collection.

The 2019 alignment was celebrated with the world premiere of an original site-specific composition by Cuneiform recording artists Janel and Anthony. The live performance coordinated with the 9:32 a.m. shadow alignment.

ATV,Arlington County,Virginia,

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