
Found funny deposit of cash | money treasure -metal detecting is my sport, hobby & passion

Found funny deposit of cash | money treasure -metal detecting is my sport, hobby & passion New? SUBSCRIBE and help me reach 1,000,000
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Found deposit of cash - Metal Detecting is my Sport, Hobby & Passion.

1. Secret tunnel & chamber found while metal detecting pt.2 - archeological dig in old city

2. metal detecting HIDDEN BARREL & DEPOSIT of gold found while treasure hunting

3. Treasure of Paintings:

4. Underground chamber revealed & treasure box - metal detecting, tunnel exploration

5. I found a sword and a knight's ax - a real treasure / metal detecting hunt

6. Secret tunnel & chamber found while metal detecting on archeological dig in old city

7. Interesting-RITE-from-the-Middle-Ages--metal-detecting-archeology-treasure-hunting

8. Urban treasure -hundreds of artifacts in burried city -metal detecting - treasure hunting sport

9. Underwater medieval find - metal detecting & treasure hunting in REAL

10. I found gold, a cross, other treasures and old bottles - a metal detector hunt

11. military weapon & equipment WW II deposit found while metal detecting in buried city of treasure

12. Iron Hunting:

13. 5 m. underground:

14. Found candlestick on rubbish field:


Greetings and invite you to



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