
The Homophobe At Work pt. 2 | Memories

The Homophobe At Work pt. 2 | Memories #Storytime #Memories #BibleThumper

I'm a firm believer in having an open dialogue about a difference in opinion, but there is a time and place for that conversation to be had, and a place of work is not the time. I'd been trying to avoid this particular co-worker for quite some time because I knew we had a difference in belief when it came to gay rights. I respected her as a fellow associate and stayed to myself when it came to my sexuality, however, she took it upon herself to bring up the topic regardless of how unprofessional it was. Last time I checked, personal life and political beliefs were off-limits in a place of business, but I don't think she got the memo. So of course, I had to respectfully put her in place, but honey, that was far from the end of this story because the next day...oh sis, she...well, how about you just watch the video and find out, lol. Get your teacups and snacks ready because as always, this tea is scalding hot.

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