
5 Things To Anticipate When Weaning Off Medication For Fibromyalgia

5 Things To Anticipate When Weaning Off Medication For Fibromyalgia I recently began the journey of weaning off medication. Little did I know the symptoms that come along with the process, along with what to expect. Therefore, I would like to share my journey with others who are on a similar path or curious on what it may entail.

It's definitely not easy to take the natural approach, but I personally think it's worth being freed from the billion-dollar-pill-popping industry, that are here to "fix" people, when in reality, they are only placing a bandage over the symptoms and not aiding to the underlying cause(s).

If you also don't agree with Big Pharma, please like, subscribe, hit the notification bell, and share with others!

Thank you for joining me on my journey! Please feel free to share thoughts, questions, comments, etc. This is a safe space!

Peace, Love, and Namaste!

-Kosmic Rose


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