
A Daily Prayer: Therefore The LORD Will Wait

A Daily Prayer: Therefore The LORD Will Wait Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you; and therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all who wait for Him.

He will give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground, and bread of the increase of the earth; it will be fat and plentiful. Isaiah 30;18 & 23

Good morning my Father, my God and my King, blessed is your holy name. Holy! holy! Holy! are You. I hear You this morning. My heart is still and longs for Your voice. Bless these scriptures to my hungry soul this morning, I pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Father, I have been hearing and thinking about how I am to wait for You, but here I see for the first time, You will wait for me. You will wait for me so that You may be gracious to me, to me! Not others, not the whole world but to me as a individual, You will wait for me personally. You do know all my days, You do! You know my end from before the beginning even. So yes, You can wait patiently for me to see You and hear You. Thank You! Thank You for Your sweet patience and love for me, me! You do desire with Your heart of love to be gracious to us, yes, to me. It is just like Your word has told me, You are not willing, not wanting any of us to perish in the fiery death but to come back to You. You want us safe and sound at home enjoying You and Your blessings for Your family. You heart is to give us all good things. To enjoy the greatest life everlasting. That is Your heart for me!

Father, Lord Jesus, blessed and holy Trinity, Your do deserve all my praises. You have, and You are blessing me, past, present and future. Your plan and purpose for me is good, so good. When I really sit still, Lord, and ponder that You love me I am almost overwhelmed in Your love. I am so humbled that You care for me so. I know who, and what I was, and what I can still be without You. Yet,Your great love and affection keeps covering me and guarding me daily and moment by moment. Lord, it is a wonder that You called me, yes, You chose me to be your own. I think about how we adopt children here on earth and You choose us to be Your family too. To be honest children of Yours' with all the privileges and benefits of a natural born child. This is what You offer all with the sacrifice of Your very own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is too wonderful for many to believe but it is all true.

Father, You are a God of justice for sure. That is a part and portion of You. So You are true to who You are, but You are also mercy personified. You are just but salted with mercy. Because You love so deeply and desire as many as can and will come home to you, to come, and You offer grace instead of judgment. Love instead of wrath! Why won't the world want love?? It is so sad that the road to hell is paved with the lost who will not give up their wills and selfish ways to have all You offer through Your Son, Jesus. I am so glad that I came back to You and accepted His offering for my sins!!! Praise You always Lord God!!

Lord, I took this word in Isaiah as a promise from You today that You will bless the seed I have planted. It jumped off the page to me this morning. It was not even where I was thinking of going but you drew my eyes there. Lord, I accept this word that You will bless my seed. I care the most for the spiritual seeds I have planted in the lives of others. Lord, that is where I want my harvest to be plentiful, in my children, grand children, greats and other loved ones too.

I too, want all my loved ones saved! Everyone, near and far. From the oldest to the youngest! And that You bless everyone Lord, I have been leading through the years, young and adults. God heal, make whole the lives of all the wounded and lost. Deliver us from the evil one I pray, fight in the heavenlies for our lives. The need is so great!!! Lord, I come this morning and offer up this prayer and praises in the mighty name of my Savior, and Deliverer, Jesus Christ, Amen



Turn us back to You, O LORD, and we will be restored; renew our days as of old, unless You have utterly rejected us, and are very angry with us! Lamentations 5;21-22

A very blessed day and good morning to You, Lord our Savior and Friend. Father God and Holy Spirit of God, blessed be the holy Trinity! O how my spirit needs this time with You, to come back to the Way, the Truth, and the Life! You are all this to us, You are. Lord, Holy Spirit please help me to still my heart and soul this morning and remember You and what is most important to me, to any and all who call on Your mighty name. Lord,touch my heart with Your own this morning I pray. In thy name O Lord Jesus. I come, Amen.

Daily Prayer,

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