
Canadian Investing Strategies that Actually Work Time and Time Again with Nick Karadza

Canadian Investing Strategies that Actually Work Time and Time Again with Nick Karadza What you’ll learn in just 17 minutes from today’s episode:
Learn about the time-proven marketing strategy to employ in real estate
What strategies to using to ensure that you are investing right
What to consider when you get into buying revenue properties



Nick Karadza started investing at 21 and built a real estate training company and brokerage focused on working with investors called Rock Star Real Estate, which has helped investors acquire over 1.4 billion dollars in real estate investment properties.

In this episode, let’s listen to Nick as he tells us the do’s and don’ts of investing. Learn nuggets of wisdom that he’s discovered along the way that I’m sure will do you good, too, as you navigate your own real estate investing business.

Topics Covered:

01:09 – From a government employee to a real estate investor

03:00 – His buy, hold and own assets type of real estate strategy

07:31 – His thoughts about finding good deals and marketing and motivated sellers

09:53 – Nick talking about where their good deals are coming from

11:50 – What does newbies or start-ups wrongly and usually fall into and what’s the best thing to do

17:30 – Why the need for a support system and following a proven path

Key Takeaways:

“Put a stake in the ground and then go reach it instead of just going saying, well I don’t know, like real estate.Understand what you’re doing and understand if that particular investment that the property and the strategy you’re choosing to use is actually going to get you one step closer to where you want to be.” – Nick Kadraza

“There’s value to figuring out what works for you and then just plodding away at it. It’s not sexy. It doesn’t make good for social media posts cause you’re doing the same thing over and over again. But man, if you figure out something that works for you and you can create repeatable results for yourself, why fix what ain’t broke, right?” – Nick Kadraza

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