1/4" Air Hose Connector ...................................
1/4" Swivel Connector for Tight Spaces ..........
Air Compressor and Hose:
6 Gallon Bostitch Air Compressor Kit (newer model than mine) ........
6 Gallon Craftsman Air Compressor and Hose ....................................
Backflow Preventer Replacement Parts:
Model 720-A Repair Kit .....................................
720A Backflow Preventer (entire unit) .............
Other Models:
Bonnet Repair Kit #765 ..................
RK1 720A Repair Kit .......................
Before the weather gets below freezing you need to winterize your sprinkler system. This involves hooking up an air compressor and blowing out all the lines. Adding air to all the lines will blow out the water, so that they don't freeze in the winter. It's also important to drain your backflow preventer, since that is above ground, that will freeze and crack before any underground pipes will.
I was able to winterize my sprinkler system with a 6 gallon air compressor, hose, connector and basic hand tools. It took a while to go through each zone but was a pretty easy DIY project you can do in a few hours yourself.