
How to be Consistent and Engaging on Instagram Stories | Time Saving Story Batching

How to be Consistent and Engaging on Instagram Stories | Time Saving Story Batching How to be Consistent and Engaging on Instagram Stories | Story Batching
Having trouble being consistent with Instagram stories? Not seeing the engagement there? I've got six tips to change that!

Story Ideas
1) Do a poll! Ask your followers what they prefer and talk more on the subject that wins.
2) Have them through your day. Use the time feature as you post new stories throughout the day
3) Tell your audience about one of your favorite tools, software, books, etc.
4) Tag an influencer you enjoy watching stories of. Tell your audience why they should go follow this person or account.
5) Talk about one of the biggest struggles in your business. How did you overcome it?
6) Talk about a win (no matter how small) that you or one of your clients had this week.
7) Give your followers a quiz on something you teach? This gives you an opportunity to find out what your audience needs to learn more about from you.

Join The Circle! Get all your video content out of the way so you can focus on being the CEO of your brand.

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This video was filmed with an iPhone and natural light. If I can do it simply so can you. Happy creating!

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Gwendolyn Gay,Content marketing,Relationship marketing,Video marketing,How to be Consistent and Engaging on Instagram Stories,batching instagram stories,how to gain instagram followers organically 2019,how to gain instagram followers organically,organic instagram hacks 2019,2019 instagram algorithm hacks,how to grow your instagram in 2019,organic instagram growth,instagram growth 2019,2019 instagram algorithm,grow followers on instagram fast 2019,

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