
'The Radicality of the Gospel'. Remnants of a Radical Faith by Dr. Gary West (Sun. Morning Part 1|3)

'The Radicality of the Gospel'. Remnants of a Radical Faith by Dr. Gary West (Sun. Morning Part 1|3) Gary West spoke Sunday morning, Oct. 27th, 2019 at Grace Baptist Church. He was selected as the 2019 Davis Lectures speaker and this morning audio is the first of a 3 part series.

Scripture : Revelations 3: 14-18, with a challenge for all to read Matthew 5, 6 & 7 prior to Sunday Night's lecture where Gary West will explore the beginning of the movement now known as Christianity and the two Jewish men – Jesus and Paul the Apostle – whose messages were the source of its beginning. Gary offers that there were actually two movements: the Jesus movement which flowed from the teachings of Jesus and the Christ movement which resulted from Paul’s impact following the death/resurrection of Jesus.

In looking at what movement is in place today, Gary will examine the development of these movements and his belief that one survived strongly and the other faded.

During the two-night lectures, we will seek to deconstruct what appears as Christianity today and re-construct what was originally intended. Gary will ask the question: “Is it possible to shape a ‘way’ that will send Christianity in a different direction and restore a sense of vitality to a movement that has been hijacked by power brokers in an on-going effort for almost 2,000 years?


Grace Baptist Church started the lectures series in 2002 to offer the community a concentrated study of scripture that includes current topics, serious inquiry and honest dialogue. Dr. Richard T. Davis, a retired minister and chaplain from Durham, led the first series. In honor of his efforts and commitment to the endeavor, the congregation named the series for him and his wife - the Richard and Barbara Davis Lectures Series.

Since that time, the following speakers have participated:

2003 Phyllis Trible, professor and author
2004 Ken Sehested, activist, minister and author
2005 Charles Page, archeologist/historian, minister and author
2006 Charles Kimball, professor and author
2007 Mary McClintock Fulkerson, professor and author
2008 Steve Shoemaker, author and minister
2009 Greg Snyder, professor and author
2010 Nancy Hastings Sehested, preacher, storyteller and prison chaplain
2011 John Dominic Crossan, professor and author
2012 James M. Dunn and Melissa Rogers, professors and authors
2013 Lauren Winner, author and minister
2014 James Tabor, archeologist, professor and author
2015 Tim Tyson, professor and author
2016 Judith Schindler, rabbi and professor
2017 Steve Shoemaker, author, minister and professor
2018 Nancy Hastings Sehested, minister, storyteller and teacher
2019 Dr. Gary West, teacher, preacher, and storyteller

Funding for The Davis Lectures Series is provided through donations and special gifts from various individuals. If you would like to contribute to this program, please make checks to Grace Baptist Church and designate the Davis Lectures Series on the check. Mailing address is 719 Club Drive, Statesville, NC 28677


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