
4th Grade Math 7.2, Write Fractions as Sums with the Same Denominator

4th Grade Math 7.2, Write Fractions as Sums with the Same Denominator We can write a fraction as a sum of fractional addends with like denominators. The sum of the numerators of the addends is the numerator, and the denominators will all be the same. A unit fraction is a fraction that always has a 1 as its numerator. It tells us the part of the whole that 1 piece represents. We write a fraction as a sum by breaking it into unit fractions with the same denominator. The numerator tells us how many unit fraction addends we will need to write. When listing addends of a fraction, the Commutative Property of Addition says we can add addends in any order to get the same sum, so we only need to list the addends one way. Fractions with lower numerators will have fewer possible addends than fractions with higher numerators. We show how to solve two word problems involving fractions as sums with the same denominator.

4th Grade Math 7.1, Add & Subtract Fraction Parts of a Whole

4th Grade Math Playlist

I'm using the Houghton Mifflin Go Math!
2015 copyright textbook for this playlist.

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