Welcome to another video on our channel. Healthier Than Yesterday. Where it is all about health, beauty, and fitness.
#1. Our Society's Obsession With Sugar
No one can deny how we're obsessed with sugar. We put it in almost every food or drink we consume. Added sugar can be found in even the most unexpected products. That's not even an exaggeration. You can even find sugar in ketchup and even in canned beans. You, watching this video probably consume at least 15 teaspoons of sugar daily without even knowing it.
#2. Dangers Of High-Sugar Consumption
1) Weight Gain
Obesity is rising worldwide, especially in developed nations. Sugar is believed to be one of the main reasons for obesity. Did you know that these sweetened drinks contain a form of sugar called fructose? Consuming fructose increases your hunger and desire for food. Because excessive consumption of fructose leads to a resistance to leptin which is a hormone that regulates hunger and tells you to stop eating. This can lead to weight gain, and gaining weight is similar to opening the first door to a world full of diseases and health issues...
2) Cancer
First, a diet rich in sugar can lead to weight gain as we said, and that automatically increases your risk of cancer. Furthermore, diets high in sugar increase inflammation in your body and may cause insulin resistance, both of which increase cancer risk. A study in hundreds of thousands of people found that added sugar consumption was associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer, pleural cancer, and cancer of the small intestine.
3) Diabetes
There is a direct link between the excessive consumption of sugar and the increase of diabetes risk over the years. We go back to talking about obesity. We said sugar causes weight gain and obesity, and obesity is the strongest risk factor of diabetes. Not to mention, high-sugar consumption drives resistance to insulin. Insulin resistance causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket and that highly increases your risk of having diabetes.
4) Heart Diseases
As we said before, excessive sugar consumption is linked to obesity, inflammation, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance. These are all strong risk factors of heart disease.
5) Depression
A diet high in sugar and processed foods may lead to depression. Consuming a lot of processed foods and sugar leads to blood sugar swings. Researchers claim that these blood sugar swings have a huge effect on mental health.
#3. Signs Of High-Sugar Consumption
1) Digestive issues and bowel movements. Some research suggests that sugar might decrease the diversity of healthy bacteria in your gut within as little as a week, causing problems in your digestive system.
2) mood swings. If you're being moody and irritated for no reason at all, there is a high chance it's because of too much sugar. as we mentioned, sugar is linked to mood swings and depression.
3) Experiencing acne around your mouth and chin. Some studies linked between acne and sugar consumption. They claim that sugar increases the production of androgens that are linked to hormonal acne.
4) Craving dessert after dinner. The more sugar you eat, the more likely you are to crave it. Sugar boosts feel-good hormones. Because your brain feels good, it will want that high again.
5) Always being hungry. Sugar causes your blood sugar to spike and quickly dip, so you to feel hungrier and crave more sugar because sugar doesn't contain any fiber or protein, and it won't fill you up.
6) You have joint pain. Some research has linked the consumption of sugary drinks and joint pain, probably due to inflammation.
7) struggling with Weight Loss.
8) Feeling like your brain is foggy.
#4. Conclusion.
Consuming sugar in excessive amounts daily is not good at all. We can diagnose ourselves by paying attention to the symptoms of high-sugar consumption and try to regulate our consumption of sugar if we have any of those symptoms.
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And remember, keep it healthy, and take care.
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