

Beliefs The theme that’s bubbled up many times is people share others judging them and people judging themselves. We tend to have these beliefs that we aren’t enough. I’m not tall enough, pretty enough, skinny enough…feelings of unworthiness. Wherever they came from like stories we create in our minds or actual experiences or someone spoke to us. The fact that they still live in our conscious belief system is something we have to own and be responsible for because a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. The more you think that thought the deeper the hold it has. The deeper the belief becomes.

I remember being in sixth grade and a boy named Chuck raised his hand in class and asked the teacher if we could get Kimberly (me) an adult sized chair because her hips are hanging off the kids chair. Here I am remembering it word for word today something that happened at age 11.
I developed and went through puberty early, at age 10, and this really stuck with me. A deep-rooted belief that my hips are too big.

What I’ve learned it is not a deep-rooted belief, it is a thought we pick up. Years later I keep that belief up and carry it on. I am 45 years old, Chuck is not here. I am the only that can continue to perpetuate that belief that my hips are too big.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of what we come to believe in ourselves is formed in the first 7 years of our lives. You no doubt have beliefs inside of you that you’ve felt are deep-rooted. If you have belief that is not serving you, you can choose to lay it down. When the thought comes, and it doesn’t feel good, it’s not serving you. Choose to look elsewhere and choose a different perspective. Choose an empowering thought that makes you feel stronger and more capable.

It takes time to recondition our thoughts. It’s a practice but is well worth your time and attention. A belief is a thought we keep thinking. You can choose to think a different thought and create a new pathway in your brain. It takes practice. Just like Yoga is a practice. Life is a practice!


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