
Creating a Custom Title Bar Using Python! (Part 1) - Minimize, Old Title Bar Removal

Creating a Custom Title Bar Using Python! (Part 1) - Minimize, Old Title Bar Removal In this tutorial I will be showing you how to create a CUSTOMIZED TITLE BAR using Python. This is a step-by-step detailed tutorial made to help you increase your understanding of Python.

Order of Video:
00:00 - 01:27 = Introduction and Explanation
01:27 - 10:37 = Writing the Code
10:37 - END = Conclusion

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I get lots of people asking me for the source code so I will now be posting it in the comments below. If it is not there then please let me know!

I have more videos available on Arduinos and Excel ready for viewing!!

My Python Shell may be different to yours and may be set-up in a different way.  Doing various things such as installing packages/modules may be different for you.

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