
Frederic Chopin- Nocturne in E Flat Major, Op 9 No 2-with beatiful landscapes of Poland

Frederic Chopin- Nocturne in E Flat Major, Op 9 No 2-with beatiful landscapes of Poland Poland is a country in central Europe. Poland has a population of approximately 38.5 million people. Its economy is high income when the cost of living is taken into account. Poland's human development index is very high (33rd place in 2017) mainly due to its highly developed educational and health system. Social benefits and social security are also highly developed. Poland has a rich historical and cultural heritage, with 16 sites declared as World Heritage by UNESCO.

Chopin was born in 1810 in Poland and died in France in 1849. His brief life was not an impediment for Chopin to be considered and his legacy at the height of other great composers such as Mozart or Beethoven. Chopin's compositions were originally composed only for piano or as in some choral and chamber music the piano has a leading role. Chopin was one of the greatest exponents of musical romanticism. Chopin was a virtuoso pianist although he never received piano lessons from famous masters.

The cause of his death was possibly due to the tuberculosis he suffered for many years. Near death he asked that almost all the scores with his compositions be burned, something that no one carried out for our fortune.

Chopin composed twenty-one piano nocturnes. In total, it took Chopin to compose all his nights a time of about fifteen years.

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Chopin,Chopin nocturne,Chopin nocturne E flat major,Nocturnos de Chopin,Nocturno de Chopin en Mi bemol mayor,Chopin Op 9,Chopin piano,Chopin Poland,Chopin Polonia,Paisajes de Polonia,Polonia landscapes,Chopin nocturnes,E flat,E flat major,

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