
Ice Fishing for BIG WALLEYE, PIKE and MUSKY

Ice Fishing for BIG WALLEYE, PIKE and MUSKY Today I head out ice fishing on the Chippewa Flowage near Hayward Wisconsin. On this body of water walleye and musky season close in the end of November so we only have a few days left to target these fish. I am in search of big walleyes and pike and I am using set lines with live bait. Early ice fishing can be a blast when you are fishing an area which is loaded with predators. This was an exciting afternoon of big fish! Ice fishing for walleyes is always my favorite all winter long and it is even cooler when you can catch big pike and muskies in the mix.
Thanks for watching and stay tuned for more!

Ice Fishing For Musky -

Simms Fishing Products -

Warner's Dock Boat Dealer -

Piscifun Reels -

Kalin's -

St. Croix Rods -

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