
Live in the moment.. dance your arse off. Be you

Live in the moment.. dance your arse off.  Be you If we can find a clearing between expectation and judgement, the past and the future we may find we arrive where we have always been at the centre.. just takes a sprinkle of intention to realise it. Xx take all these magnificent moments of one flow of life and we see worlds on worlds through just that ones eyes. Can you imagine how magnified the energy is when we create intention together. Its exponential with each added person..we are power..embodied.

Anyway..🤣 the message is..I guess..if it's to be defined.. to simply be as present as you can remember to be as much of the time as it's available to you. The practice of just that focus alone, can change the course of your life. To harness the direction of thought, emotion as relation to the thought and physically.. as the body responds to all thoughts as though they were actually happening.. even though it maybe our own imagination.. the body receives the data as actual and responds as such..(resulting in the fight or flight dichotomy that we appear to be dangling, precariously swinging between the a pendulum) we bombard the body with many negatives, again and again .. like word and thought spears thrown directly into the beauty and wonder of this biology that we inhabit on Gaia.. This biology is an awesome piece of we know of infact....the very leading edge of evolutionary lifeforms on Earth..yet we can't even be arrrsed to hold it upright.. come on now..if you catch yourself internally dissing your self or putting yourself dwn.. maybe ask yourself why are you being so hard on yourself..who's voice or voices are those inside your head? Is it helping you to rehearse this stuff into your present again and again.. that simple saying "let it go" is a pretty powerful exercise. But you've been doing it ever since you started the human adventure.. at first we recieve and then we allow..breath in - breath out..let go..just have a go at doing it more consciously.. see how it feels for you. Tell your body something good every day. It's like a super fantastic plant and it needs nurture.. it loves it back and watch the romance of life really begin. Xx 💗💞


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