
Ptosis Surgery, Drooping Eyelid Treatment, Mumbai, India (HOW DOES IT WORK ?) - Dr. Debraj Shome

Ptosis Surgery, Drooping Eyelid Treatment, Mumbai, India (HOW DOES IT WORK ?) - Dr. Debraj Shome Ptosis an eye condition that is characterized by drooping of the upper eyelid of one or both eyes. Ptosis is caused because of the weakening or malfunctioning of the levator muscle. In this condition, the patient is not able to lift the eyelid or can open it only partially.

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There are mainly two type of ptosis: congenital ptosis and aponeurotic ptosis. Congenital ptosis is present at birth and is caused because the levator muscle does not develop fully at birth. The cause of congenital ptosis is idiopathic and it can cause the child to develop a lazy eye. Surgical treatment for congenital ptosis is done at an early age. In Ptosis surgery, a silicone rod sling is used to connect the frontalis muscle to the eyelid. This sling is stretchable sling so that the child can close and open the eyes.

Aponeurotic ptosis is a kind of acquired ptosis and the cause behind is weakening of levator muscles because of aging. The muscle becomes weak and sometimes loses its attachment with the eyelid. In ptosis surgery for this type of acquired ptosis an incision is made in the folds of the eyelid (to avoid a scar) and the muscles is tightened and reattached to the eyelid.
It is not easy to diagnose Ptosis and initial indications only include a raised eyebrow or a slightly longer eyelid when you are looking down. Ptosis is a delicate surgery and requires the hands of an expert oculoplastic surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat the conditions successfully.

The Esthetic Clinics is headed by Dr Debraj Shome and has centres in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Surat, Delhi and Kolkata.

Dr. Debraj Shome is a Celebrity Plastic Surgeon for many Bollywood & Hollywood celebrities. For consultations with Dr. Debraj Shome, please write in to or call +91-9004671379.
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