
Targeted Justice

Targeted Justice Many individuals and increasingly, many groups linked with the "targeted individuals" disinformation scheme are soliciting funds. Ostensibly this is for activities like frequency scanning and, especially, lawsuits. I do not believe any of these groups have any real intention of bringing lawsuits to court, certainly not successful lawsuits. It's possible some of them will try to muck up the courts with court cases guaranteed to fail, which, in the US, will create bad case law.

I am still trying to understand what exactly is going on.

My best guess is that this is all being done to propagate and continue to profit from the human trafficking system centered on me and my family line. My understanding is that upon my death, and/or Chris' death, a number of people - including my own family members - expect to cash in big on some kind of gamble. It appears that money, land, and other things are in play. Meanwhile, they intend to continue the system as it operates today. I believe this is the goal of the "targeted individual" and related disinformation programs: to cash in, and to continue the actual program which is a family-based human trafficking system focused on a small group of individuals: me, my partner, and my daughter.

targeted individuals,TI,directed energy weapons,DEWs,directed energy attacks,beam weapons,gangstalking,disinfomation,

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