
The Wolf Dog

The Wolf Dog In Amazon

Much has been written and talked on the
internet about the American Wolfdog. But
reality is that practically nothing of what
circulates is correct.
Most of who write blogs or make videos
explaining the characteristics of the American
Wolfdog, have never had one nor known
anybody whose had one. The copy and past
and/or imagine and deduce without any
experience on the matter.
This book is based on 40 years of research on
the wolf and the wolfdog, and several years of
coexistence with a pack of them.
We will talk about the different types of
wolfdog that exist nowadays.
We will get into explaining what a race is, what
endogamy is and its characteristics.
We will learn about the wolf ’s nature and the
differences between them and domestic dogs
of different specialized races.
We will tear down myths and will build
grounded knowledge.
After this book, we will value the wonderful
mystics of the wolf much more, and also their
relationship with us.

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wolves,wolf,wolfdog,dogs breeds,

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