I'd like to give some relationship advice for women. (Actually, it's also relationship advice for men too). It's advice on love and relationships for anyone looking for love.
I'm talking about the fatal flaw with dating advice, dating apps, and dating gurus. So many of you are going about dating the wrong way. And if you want to know why then this video is for you.
All these dating apps and dating gurus tell you to list all the qualities that you want in your perfect partner. Such as:
Do you want them to have a good sense of humor? What type of humor do you want?
Do you want them to be professional educated or not?
Do you want them to have blond hair, brown hair, whatever type of hair?
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And they get you to list all these things.
Do you want my free relationship advice?
That's the wrong way to go about dating.
That is going about dating from the perspective of THEM. The other person. And that's where you go wrong.
How many of you have been on a date and thought:
Is this is my ideal partner? Do they live up to my checklist? Are they The One?
And lo and behold, it's another narcissist who is just in a different type of wrapping. But the playbook is exactly the same.
They start being rude to waiters.
They make jokes that have a little bit of a cutting bite to them. About you.
Ones that put you down, whilst they have a little laugh about it.
Or you feel uncomfortable by how forward they're being in the first few weeks as they start to love bomb you and doing all those things that are the red flags and the warning signs that signal this person is not good for you.
How many of you keep finding this, even though you have your ideal partner in mind and have your dating checklist?
I've had quite a number of you say to me:
Why is it when all I want is to find healthy love, that every time I go on dates I still keep attracting the same type?
The guys (or girls) that hurt me and are no good for me?
If that's you, you have to go about dating a different way and you'll find this video helpful.
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Or why not join my Facebook Group: Love YOU & Choose the Life You Want:
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