How to Develop Leaders? Developing leaders isn't an easy task. However, it's rewarding work, and it will benefit your team and company in the long run. Encourage your employees to gain a wide range of experience to help them learn different skills and how to get along with people. It's also important to help them learn leadership skills, like communication and trustworthiness. After helping your employees grow, make sure you're promoting the right people by picking the best person for the position you're filling.
Cross-train your employees to help them develop different skills. Cross-training just means training your employees to more than 1 job in your company. That could mean sending them to different departments or merely rotating them through different jobs in your area. Along the way, they'll pick up a variety of skills which can help them be a leader. For instance, if you have an employee working in inventory, see if they'd like to learn about invoicing. This process teaches them to be adaptable and requires that they learn about all aspects of your company. Both of those qualities will make them better leaders. In addition, they'll need to learn to get along with a wide range of people across your company.
--------- CONTENTS ---------
00:27 Cross-train your employees to help them develop different sk...
01:03 Assign projects that will stretch your employees and help th...
01:44 Encourage your employees to find what they're passionate abo...
--------- CC LICENSE --------
Creative Commons license: Develop-Leaders (wikihow & authors)
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