lecture at the Moore Theatre in Seattle, WA on June 21, 2018.
The lecture covers the evolution of religion thinking, a true human
universal. Everyone has to deal with the problem of value. Everyone has to
determine what is of more or less importance what’s a priority, and what
is not or they can’t act, or even perceive. So the problem of value has to
be solved or at least addressed by everyone, and that’s what makes it a
universal issue, deep enough to play a biological as well as a social role.
Jordan B. Peterson - Professor of Psychology at UofT, Lecturer, YouTube Personality, Author of Maps of Meaning & 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
This is a collection of interviews & lectures, some of which are recorded specifically for this podcast, and some that are from his university courses, public lectures, documentary interviews, and YouTube videos from his channel: Jordan Peterson Videos ( The podcast offers discussion and information concerning a variety of complex ideas: How moral & pragmatic values regulate emotion and motivation; Psychometric models such as the Big Five; The significance of hero mythology; The meaning of music, and the structure of the world as represented through religion and spiritual belief.