What a busy and inspiring few weeks. Now let’s get back to the basics again: “Marketing and innovation make money. Everything else is cost!” M+I-C=Profit. There are (only) three ways to make money as an entrepreneur, and ultimately as a business: Marketing, Innovation, and Cost Management.
The only time this does not apply is when there is a monopoly, or there is corruption, or illegality. Businesses that are protected by monopoly status such as state-owned companies are rarely given any incentives to come up with innovations, and generally know nearly nothing about marketing. Most certainly don’t apply themselves to cost management, and so they almost invariably become loss-making!
Marketing Part 1
Marketing Part 2: Who is your market?
The Magic Of Thinking Big.
Young Man Beware of Beauty
Celsius To Fahrenheit in C++ in simple way.
Man Of The People.
Build website HTML + CSS complete Course.
Computer Maintenance and Repair Practical Full Course