
Which task first a practical process to get more done

Which task first a practical process to get more done This is one of the biggest questions facing anyone that is facing a long to-do list: which task should you complete first?

For most of us, a typical working day – or even a typical weekend of chores – is going to involve a number of different tasks, each of which will challenge us in unique ways.

We might have a few big jobs to complete which may include things like filling out spreadsheets, clearing an inbox, tidying a room, or reading a book.

On top of this, we might also have a bunch of smaller tasks, which can include such things as:

● Answering emails
● Making calls
● Fixing errors from yesterday
● Taking out the trash

As well as varying in size though, these tasks will likely also vary in terms of importance and urgency.

Duane Brumitt,Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy,

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