
101: The Handcrafted Journey - Sasibai Kimis (Earth Heir)

101: The Handcrafted Journey - Sasibai Kimis (Earth Heir) (Originally released 23 November 2018)

Social entrepreneur Sasibai Kimis left a successful career in finance to start an ethical fashion business; Earth Heir. She shares about finding "the bigger purpose" and why it's important she made the choices she did.

RHEMA RADIO is an initiative of the Love Malaysia Project. The vision of Rhema Radio is to be a significant media platform in Malaysia, known for its proclamation of the Christian gospel message without boundaries, and a platform for teaching and discipleship. Our mission is to use media to be obedient to the Great Commandment and Great Commission through development, distribution and promotion of content that would greatly glorify and bring people to the Lord in Malaysia.

This project is overseen by an elected Board of Trustees made up of Christian leaders in Malaysia, in the area of policy oversight and corporate governance. The current board of trustees includes YBhg Datuk Ng Bee Ken, Freda Liu, Wilson Ng, Alfred Rosmin Tais, Philip Chang, Edwin Marsden, Bobby Majimbun and Jason Ding.

THE TEAM consists of Christians seeking God and striving to impact the world around us. We are people who want to live well—outwardly, creatively and intentionally. We are Kingdom-minded, pro-Church and want to love our neighbors as ourselves. We serve the Creator, so we love great art—whether that be redemptive music, movies, books or design. We are daily seeking to show how God is at work in the world and in our generation.

SUPPORT for this project comes solely from public support. We are not funded by one corporate or government body. The ideas and weekly content has been made possible through the kind donations of ordinary people who believe in the importance to the work. Get in touch to see how you can partner with us to do more!



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