
Fill My Little World [The Feeling] *** Approximately ***

Fill My Little World [The Feeling] *** Approximately *** In this video I play

'Fill My Little World' by The Feeling. It's a nice little song and I generally like unpredictable music. When I first heard this song I thought the Dmin was a nice, unpredictable little change and I think it's quite a clever piece of songwriting. The chord sequence is I, vi, iii, v, IV. I don't know much of The Feeling's work but this album (12 Stops And Home) is an absolute badboy. Some really excellent pop songwriting.

This channel is about me playing some of my favourite tunes in an approximate manner-not quite perfect and not necessarily in the right key either. I’ve selected these tunes due to them having what I think is an amazing melody, sweet, sweet harmonic structure or for some other inexplicable reason. They might just be fun to play on piano.

Enjoy but please don’t bug me about inaccurate, sloppy musicianship because (a) I already know, and (b) that’s what this channel is, sort of, about. There are plenty of other better musicians out there on YouTube for you to ogle.

Want some free advice about life? Why not check out my other YouTube channel: Advice President. It’s worth a quick visit.


ADVP 2020

approximately,approximately piano,piano tune,fill my little world,fill my little world right up,fill my little world piano,fill my little world right up piano,the feeling piano,the feeling song piano,piano cover,

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