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Summary of the video:
In this video, Gayathri, a student at XLRI Jamshedpur, shares her XAT prep strategy. She especially focuses on the Verbal and Decision Making sections of XAT. She shares various insights into preparing for the verbal section, She talks about cultivating the habit of reading. She also shares an interesting hack if you are not in the habit of reading - preparing by using old question paper!
Next, she talks about how to analyse paragraphs and gives useful tips to answer questions in the Verbal section. Finally, she shares insights about the decision making section of XAT. She shares how the DM section aims at understanding if a student has the analytical ability and is able to take a fair decision. She gives an interesting example of a DM question and shares how one should ideally answer it.
If you’re writing the XAT this year, this video is a must watch for you!
Key Takeaways:
1. Read a lot of newspapers and books to prep for XAT verbal section.
2. Read stuff that helps you form opinions.
3. If you can’t read, refer to past question papers.
4. The decision making round focuses on finding managerial solutions to ethical dilemmas.
5. DM wants to test if you can make a fair and just decisions keeping in mind all the stakeholders involved.
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