
How to Catch Small Bugs? Finding and Collecting Bugs By Hand

How to Catch Small Bugs? Finding and Collecting Bugs By Hand ๐Ÿ‘ Become a Patron:
How to Catch Small Bugs? Catching small bugs can seem like an exercise in futility. They are everywhere, but as soon as you try to focus on them they dart into impossible to reach corners or underground. Small bugs are everywhere, and if you know where to look and what basic traps to lay, you can grow your collection quickly.
Look under rocks and logs to uncover small insects of every kind. Bugs love dark, humid spots. Head to the nearest stream, or simply start turning over rotting logs, rocks, and other low-lying hiding spots. You can catch a large variety of insects this way as long as you're quick. In damp, loose soil, just dig 6-8" under the surface to reveal a plethora of insects. A net or garden shovel will make it much easier to get multiple insects at once. For delicate bugs, like mantises, consider using tweezers to keep them safe and intact while collecting.

--------- CONTENTS ---------
00:18 Look under rocks and logs to uncover small insects of every ...
00:50 Break apart rotting wood to search for termites and insect l...
01:14 Snatch bugs out of the air with a net, though make sure you ...
01:47 Craft a stunning stick
02:07 Use a net, or even a kitchen colander, to harvest insects fr...
02:40 Catch ants with a simple stick and some patience

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Creative Commons license: Catch-Small-Bugs (wikihow & authors)

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though make Craft a stunning stick Use a net,or even a kitchen colander,to harvest Catch ants with a simple stick and some patience Bugs DIY how to,

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