
How to Succeed in Digital Marketing 2020

How to Succeed in Digital Marketing 2020 How to succeed in digital marketing in 2020 using the best make money online strategies of this year.
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Today I’m going to be sharing 3 crucial digital marketing tips that will transform your success this year. 🔎📝

Tip 1️⃣: Know your numbers

The key to reaching your income goals is being aware of what they are. 🧠

You can’t hit your target without knowing what to aim for. 👁

If you want to make $150,000 per year then you need to net about $12k a month which comes down to about $400 per day. ✍️ 🙏

I want you to make this a conscious decision so you have the best chances of hitting your income targets sooner than later. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Tip 2️⃣: Using mass page sites to succeed in cpa marketing

Google loves mass page sites because a website with lots of pages indicates more content and more content means more options for the visitor. ✍🏻✍🏻

Google loves it and rewards beefed up websites over single page websites.

✅Those mass page sites we’re talking about will rank rather nicely below the map pack helping you absorb more local search traffic for your PPL and lead agency campaigns. It’s the ideal supplement to what you’re doing with GMBs.✅

You don’t have to use mass page sites for local traffic but can monetize them for all kinds of keywords targeting a huge variety of different offers.

The sky is the limit!

Tip 3️⃣: Building a lead agency using GMB listings is one of the most profitable business models you can pursue in 2020.

Most successful digital marketers make thousands of dollars from their lead agencies doing nothing but building more listings and getting more and more payments from local businesses. 😎

This is a highly profitable digital marketing model to pursue in 2020. 👌

This is how to succeed with digital marketing in 2020. 🙏

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