
Simple Japanese Honey Chicken Curry Recipe 簡單日式蘋果蜂蜜咖喱雞食譜 Super easy!

Simple Japanese Honey Chicken Curry Recipe 簡單日式蘋果蜂蜜咖喱雞食譜 Super easy! This is by far one of the simplest recipes that I have created, requires no skill required and it is easy to get it right on the first try. I hope you enjoy!

Japanese Honey Curry Chicken

½ box Vermont Curry (spicy level is up to you)
purchase link:
2Tbsp Oil
400g Skinless Chicken Legs
1 Fuji Apple
1/2 Onion
1 Carrot
1 Potato
600ml Water
2 Tbsp Honey
3 Tbsp Butter
Some Mozzarella Shredded Cheese
Some Parsley

1. Cut chicken leg, onion, potato, carrot, apple.
2. Pour oil in a pot, add onion and sauteing until golden brown.
3. Add chicken and stir sauteed.
4. Add apples and stir sauteed.
5. Add potato pieces, carrot pieces, and pour in water.
6. Add honey, butter, and curry bricks.
7. Stew until the curry bricks melt and the potatoes and carrots are fluffy.
8. Sprinkled with shredded cheese and Parsley herbs.
9. Enjoy!

#cooking #recipe #curry #chicken #Cookwithhana #ASMR


佛蒙特咖哩塊 1/2盒 (辣度自己決定)
油 2大匙
去皮雞腿肉 400g
富士蘋果 1顆
洋蔥 1/2顆
紅蘿蔔 1條
馬鈴薯 1顆
水 600ml
蜂蜜 2大匙
奶油 3大匙
馬札瑞拉乳酪絲 適量
巴西里香草 適量

1. 雞腿肉、洋蔥、馬鈴薯、紅蘿蔔、蘋果切塊
2. 在鍋中倒入油,放入洋蔥炒至金黃
3. 加入雞肉拌炒
4. 加入蘋果拌炒
5. 加入馬鈴薯塊、紅蘿蔔塊,倒入水
6. 加入蜂蜜、奶油、和咖哩磚
7. 燉煮至咖哩磚融化,馬鈴薯和紅蘿蔔鬆軟就完成了
8. 咖哩盛盤後撒上乳酪絲和巴西里香草裝飾
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May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
Psalm 20:4

詩篇 20:4


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