
Trump Gets Biden to Pick Republican Vice President Paving Way for Clinton's Presidential Run

Trump Gets Biden to Pick Republican Vice President Paving Way for Clinton's Presidential Run Subscribe to H. A. Goodman's Other Channel:

H. A. Goodman 2015 Predicting 2016: Clinton is unelectable. Only Bernie Sanders can win. 3 min

Dems Demand Trump Resign Immediately Before Senate Impeachment Trial

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Floyd Mayweather Jr. Is The Most Dominant Athlete and Boxer Of All Time

Why Barry Bonds Should Be a First-Ballot Hall of Famer

Dems Demand John Durham Resign In Letter Calling for End to Investigation of Former Officials

H. A. Goodman: WHY BERNIE TO TRUMP? Why Bernie Sanders Supporters Should Vote Trump In 2020

Please share an important defense of H. A. Goodman's work. Editors at The Huffington Post, Salon, The Hill and other publications in 2016 gave my writing and advocacy a full stamp of approval by publishing my articles and reviewing everything I wrote before publication. "The Nation's Joshua Holland Uses H. A. Goodman's Name to Critique Jacobin's Meagan Day"

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TO CONTACT H. A. GOODMAN: contactgoodman78 (at) gmail (dot) com

Trump Confirms 200 Federal Judges Upholding Bill of Rights. H. A. Goodman's Documentary Celebrates

President Trump has reduced the poverty rate from 12.7% to 11.3% according to USA Today:

OBAMA: The nation’s official poverty rate in 2016 was 12.7 percent

TRUMP: All U.S. citizens Nov 2019
• Group poverty rate: 11.3%

Ukraine President Zelensky: I feel 'no pressure' to investigate Bidens

Yet the witness accounts left one prominent hole that offered a lifeline for Trump and his GOP allies. None of the witnesses could personally attest that Trump directly conditioned the release of the $400 million in military aid on a Ukrainian announcement of investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

"Democrats’ case against Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t have that one key piece of evidence directly linking Trump to a quid pro quo." - Do Democrats Have Enough Evidence For Impeachment? FiveThirtyEight DEC. 2, 2019, AT 6:00 AM

Intel Community: "Judgments are not intended to imply we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary… High confidence generally indicates that judgments are based on high quality information from multiple sources. High confidence in a judgement does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a certainty; such judgments might be wrong."

Second, while the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was
not sufficient to support criminal charges. Among other things, the evidence was not sufficient to charge any Campaign official as an unregistered agent of the Russian government or other Russian
principal. And our evidence about the June 9, 2016 meeting and ------ releases of hacked materials was not sufficient to charge a criminal campaign-finance violation. Further, the evidence
was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign ------ with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election.

EXCLUSIVE: AG Bill Barr goes one-on-one with Martha MacCallum

Jim Cramer: These are the best jobs numbers of our lives

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