
Be Longing by Jen Myzel (Official Music Video)

Be Longing by Jen Myzel (Official Music Video) Stream + Download Be Longing at:
Jen Myzel's New Album 'Birds of the Night' coming out March 19, 2020! Pre-order at link above.

Videographer: Dominique Youkhehpaz
Film Edited by: Intentional Videos
Location: Salmon Creek Beach, California, USA

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My Reflections on Belonging

Belonging is such a beautiful word.  But look what happens when we tear apart belonging.  It becomes Be Longing. Be yearning. Be grieving the violent separation that exists in our world today.  Be longing for the healing of our planet. Be longing for peace among all nations.  For the sake of our children and our children’s children, be longing for a world where we no longer have to live in fear of tomorrow. 

If we can touch our longing, even for this moment, then we begin to feel the grief.  And if we touch our grief with our hands to our hearts, we learn that all the pain and all the fear, is actually the embodiment of LOVE. We do not grieve what we do not love. And we do not rage over that which we would not protect with our lives. And THAT kind of love is what

Our raw emotions are sacred messengers. Our emotions tell us what our truth is. And my truth is that we, human beings, belong to this Earth. And my truth is that we, human beings, belong to each other. We are an inescapable interconnected web, and we will not survive if we do not reach across space and time from the “longing” to the “being”.  Reaching across the painful separation as if we were tugging a rope tied to a sailboat out to sea. The sailboat that happens to be our only home.  All the while, our sailboat is tugging back, trying to pull us out to sea, to help us realize we are not in control, but are an interconnected part of the human, the boat, and the sea.

We are longing to be in connection again. In connection with the living world and all of her beings. Alive. Embodied Awareness on Earth. Whole. Knowing that we have a place here. Knowing that we can live in harmony again. Knowing, ultimately, that we belong.

folk music,jen myzel,joanna macy,conscious music,conscious pop,soul pop,climate grief,the work that reconnects,healing music,medicine music,music video,

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