
Democrats battle for good results in New Hampshire US primary | ITV News

Democrats battle for good results in New Hampshire US primary | ITV News The race to be the next US President could reach a defining moment in the next few hours.

Democrat party members have been casting their vote in New Hampshire, on who they want to take on Donald Trump in November.

The candidates will find out later on whether they are still in the fight - or whether momentum is slipping away.

Buttigieg and Sanders campaigns request recanvass of Iowa caucus
Confusion in Iowa but two men emerge as serious contenders to challenge Trump

The senior senator, Bernie Sanders, will find out shortly whether his campaign are still in the fight, in with a decent chance.

Whoever ends up in the lead, party organisers are hoping there is no repeat of the counting chaos last week in Iowa.

While Bernie Sanders marches forward, moderates are struggling to unite behind a candidate.

After essentially tying with Sanders for first place in Iowa, Pete Buttigieg, the 38-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, began his day as the centrist front-runner.

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USA,US Election,US presidential campaign,Bernie Sanders,Donald Trump,Pete Buttigieg,New Hampshire,Iowa,

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