
DM to DF: Are we going to acknowledge this? Part I.

DM to DF: Are we going to acknowledge this? Part I. Your DM is wondering whether or not you are going to be upfront and honest about the relationship that you two have. He feels like the ball is in your court because you know more about this connection. He doesn't want you to run around trying to gain information about him and this union on Youtube, Instagram etc and wants you to go straight to source.

He wants you to to meditate and connect with your higher self, his higher self as well as spirit. He has begun to do some of the healing that you have asked him to do but is wondering why you asked if you are going to keep your side of the journey private.

Spirit is encouraging you at this time to move forward in healing and loving on your DM. This can start with energies in the 5D. Send him love and light energy and be open to him to receive what he sends back. Drop into your heart center in order to allow the loving energies to flow through you. This also allows you to receive telepathy as well as clairaudient messages though songs as well as media.

Love & Light to you on your journey.

#divinemasculine #divinefeminine #love #union #sacredunion #twinflame #twinflames #twinflameseperation


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