We’re often led to believe that business is a ruthless game, but in reality, we need to adopt a mindset of service to see great results. How can we adopt this mindset when we’re facing struggles of our own? Will serving our teams detract from our client relations? How can we be sure that others won’t take advantage of our ideas when we try to help? On this episode, co-creator of ‘Sell a Home, Save a Child’ and author of Play for the Person Next to You: A Guide to Servant Leadership, Erik Hatch, shares why we need to adopt a mindset of abundance.
Takeaways + Tactics - Instead of focusing on our own struggles, we need to play for the people next to us. This not only assists someone else, but also helps us shift our attention to something more positive.
- As leaders, we need to serve those on our teams before we try to serve our clients. If we take care of our teams, everything else will fall into place.
- Have a mindset of abundance and be willing to help others without worrying that they may copy our ideas. The more we give, the more we get.
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