
What Is The LCS? - The Computer That Simulates Our World Decoded

What Is The LCS? - The Computer That Simulates Our World Decoded Have you ever wondered what the computer that simulates our universe is like? Tom Campbell calls this advanced, conscious computer the LCS - or larger consciousness system. In this video we're going to explore all of the attributes of the LCS and some of the basics of simulation theory 101.

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In this video I want to talk about the computer that simulates our universe. Tom Campbell calls it the larger conscious system, because while it’s a computational, it’s also conscious. Tom uses the word conscious a lot, but I wasn’t 100% sure of what it meant. I now understand it to mean an entity who has awareness of its reality.

It has intelligence, feelings, memories and free-will. This is what consciousness is. Now the LCS has all of those qualities. We know it does, because we, meaning each one of us, are actually small parts of the LCS. The quality of the whole is the same quality as its parts.

So by this definition, we can see that the LCS is not only conscious and computational, but its also super-intelligent. I add super-intelligent, because it simulated and created everything in existence. All of the things we as humans create, is really a creation of the LCS. As a matter of fact, the dimensions, beings and planets the LCS has created are so spectacular and incredible, it goes beyond the comprehension of our limited scope of thinking.

And since the LCS’s parts, some of which are us, are evolving all of the time, it too is evolving. Tom believes the LCS is a closed system that has only one goal or mission in mind – and that is to reduce its entropy so that it continues to thrive. In case you don’t know, entropy is the second law of thermodynamics. The definition of entropy is the measure of disorder in a system, like a computer or body. When entropy is high, a lot of randomness occurs and the system breaks down and dies. That’s actually what happens when we age.

The entropy of our cells increase out of hand, which ultimately end in death. In contrast, when entropy is low, there is very little randomness in the system and all parts of the system are are working efficiently. This would be equivalent to a new car, a new computer or a healthy 18 year old body.

Now if the LCS does not evolve, the only other real choice is to devolve. We see that in our own lives too. People either evolve and grow, or they devolve and their conditions worsen. This stems from the quality of their consciousness and their choices. It’s sort of the same with the LCS. We like to think it’s a perfect system, but Tom is vocal about saying the LCS is not perfect at all. In fact, it can make mistakes and its constantly learning and trying to correct itself while becoming more efficient.

For example, it may have taken a million attempts to create the conditions of this universe – conditions that are so perfect and fine-tuned that it allowed life to come about and prosper. It’s actually kind of a foreign and scary thought to think the LCS is not perfect. Because we are so often told that God is perfect and never made a single mistake.

But if God is real, why did he let me my channel’s stats go down? Why did he let Kobe die? And why were there only five seasons of Miami Vice? Why? Because there is no perfect God that is running the show. The LCS creates the conditions for life, and we play it out as individuated units of consciousness. Anything can happen at any time, and that’s just par for the course in a simulated world with free-will.

By the way, free-will does not mean you can have anything you want. It means you are free to make choices within the constraints of your reality. There are many people who believe the world to be deterministic, but it’s simply not the case. This means that everything that has ever happened or will happen is pre-determined and planned out, supposedly by God. But if this was true, it would mean we are all just pawns or puppets on a large stage, learning nothing, having no point to our life.

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