
10 Things That Do Not Resist The Laws Of Physics

10 Things That Do Not Resist The Laws Of Physics 10 Things That Do Not Resist The Laws Of Physics

It pains some people that the flying cars and teleportation systems haven’t been made possible by
the scientists as we were promised from movies decades again but science and man have made
some breakthroughs in the field. Our grandparents and even some of our parents never expected
to have tiny computers in our pockets and through that we can access the world’s knowledge
almost free of cost. Maybe the flying cars aren’t too far away either from invention but there are
some things in the world that have been man made which completely defy the laws of physics
and us maybe from those we can achieve the impossible, like flying cars or even teleportation.
So let us look at some of the objects that have been invented by people just to resist the laws of
physics. You will be surprised to see the first one. But before we get into that don’t forget to
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Number 10.) the rattle back
The rattle back is a spinner which was invested for one purpose only, to spin in one direction.
Yes, you heard that right. It is something which has existed for a long time that it even dates
back to the stone age, unlike most of the inventions. This shows how innovative humans have
been seen at the dawn of time. The rattle back is a tool that is used for directional purposes. The
amazing thing about it is that it only spins in one direction. If you spin it in a different direction
which is opposite to that it spins In, it will become unstable and then ultimately stop spinning.
Ancient rattle backs were made of many strips of wood which makes it more interesting. The law
of physics says that a thing can spin in any direction but not this amazing tool. Or device what

were you want to call it. Some rattlebacks even spin in reverse direction. To understand that you
need a PHD in physics. Good luck with that.
Number 9.)the gomboc
If you ever look at a gomboc rock without knowing what it is you will probably ignore it
thinking it is just rock without any life and meaning. But we are here to tell you that it is one of
the most important and significant mathematical tools. It displays a powerful show of
mathematical prowess. A mono monostatic object. If you don’t know what that is, it is an object
which cannot rest in any other position other than its preferred one which is just confined to the
gomboc. it is an object which was once thought to be impossible to be made. The information of
the maker of this object is unknown. He gave the world this amazing creation and just
disappeared in thin air. It is the world’s first and only self-riding mathematical object and its
state can only be explained but one very rare mathematical equation. To understand it you will
need to go to a good university and do a degree in physics and maths. It has two centers of
gravity, one state and one unstable. Once thrown on a surface it starts to wiggle and will do so
until it finds it equilibrium state.
Number 8.) the uphill fountain
Even a simple water feature can take an ordinary deck and turn it into something magnificent.
But a water feature fashioned by celebrated industrial designer James is bound to be the most
unforgettable water feature ever. This particular fountain was created by Dyson for the Royal
Horticultural Society’s 2003 Chelsea Flower Show. it makes water flow uphill. Dyson’s fountain
looks like it somehow exists in a loophole where gravity has no control over the flow of water.
But it is an illusion and we will explain how. A constant stream seemingly flows up the long

surfaces of four triangular water tanks before spilling off of the highest points. the water is
actually flowing inside and through the tanks and being propelled through small openings at the
highest corner of the tanks. The stream flowing “up” the tanks is actually flowing down after
spilling through the openings, but the illusion is so effective that it is hard to identify the trick
even when looking right at it.
Number 7.) the smart axe, or the lever axe
Axe. The oldest tool is known to mankind and has been used since the dawn of time for almost
everything around the world. But the lever ace is new bold and smart. It is exactly what the name
implies, based on a lever mechanism and rotational action. The axe won’t get stuck inside the
wood and it’s fast to use. The features of the level axe are just mind-blowing. When you use it, it
will stop on top of the log. The length of the handle is longer and this provides more kinetic
energy but is also an important safety feature. It is a fast, easy, safe, ecological and fun way of
chopping firewood! You can start from the edges and easily chop away the easiest pieces first.

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