
8 Signs That You May Have Too Much Estrogen In Your Body

8 Signs That You May Have Too Much Estrogen In Your Body IN this video I’m going to show you 8 Signs That You May Have Too Much Estrogen In Your Body — And How To Get Rid Of It
If you struggle with weight gain, mood swings, infertility or low libido, there’s a chance that you might have too much estrogen in your body. Having too much estrogen, otherwise referred to as estrogen dominance, can cause a range of symptoms, as well as putting you at risk of chronic diseases like autoimmune conditions, thyroid dysfunction and cancer.
If it’s not properly in line with your other hormones, estrogen can wreak havoc on your body. Unfortunately, research has found that estrogen dominance is now more common than ever, in both women and men. The illnesses and diseases that come along with estrogen dominance are also dramatically increasing.
So What causes estrogen dominance?
There are a number of factors responsible for the overproduction of estrogen in the body, but one of the key causes is exposure to chemicals called xenoestrogens. These chemicals behave almost identically to estrogen, so our bodies struggle to tell the difference between the two. You can find xenoestrogens almost everywhere – in foods and drinks, in personal care products, and even in our clothes.
Another huge cause of the rise in estrogen dominance is hormonal birth control. Doctors commonly prescribe this type of birth control to young women to regulate periods and control heavy bleeding, but the long-term effects of the pill are never properly explained.
When taken over many years, the hormonal pill can cause a significant hormonal imbalance that doesn’t just add more estrogen into your body, but also suppresses your natural progesterone levels. This hormone is essential for balancing the effects of estrogen, and without it, estrogen dominance is an almost inevitable outcome.
Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to minimize your exposure to xenoestrogens and treat excessive estrogen levels in your body. One of the best ways is taking natural estrogen blockers. Taking these supplements can regulate production of the hormone. Click here to find the best one for men and women. But before we move onto treatment, though, we need to look at the common signs of estrogen dominance.
Here are 8 Signs of too much estrogen
1. Low libido
This confuses many people, as low libido is also caused by a lack of estrogen. However, your libido is more to do with the balance of hormones in your body, and when one hormone is off whack, you’re desire for intimacy will plummet.
2. Irregular periods
Irregular periods are those that occur less than 24 days apart or more than 38 days apart. Again, too much and too little estrogen can cause your periods to be irregular, as well as a number of other factors, so you may need to visit your doctor to determine the cause.
3. Bloating
Increased estrogen levels can cause water retention, which can in turn cause bloating. It’s normal to experience bloating during certain phases of your menstrual cycle, but if bloating becomes a daily issue for you, it may be a sign of estrogen dominance.
4. Mood swings
If you’re experiencing sudden changes in mood, including irritability and depression, this may be down to too much estrogen, which causes mood disruptions that occur only in women. Too much estrogen has also been linked to anxiety symptoms.
5. Weight gain
Excessive levels of estrogen can lead to weight gain, especially around the hips and waist. Estrogen balance is essential for achieving and maintaining fat loss, so when your estrogen levels are off, your fat cells are more likely to work in overdrive.
6. Insomnia and sleeping difficulty
Estrogen stimulates the nervous system and interferes with the production of melatonin, which causes sleepiness when it’s dark. When melatonin production is off balance, this not only affects sleep quality, but the body's ability to regulate body temperature, blood pressure and glucose levels.
7. Fatigue
Research has found that estrogen dominance may increase your chances of thyroid dysfunction, which can cause symptoms like fatigue. The lack of sleep as a result of an unbalanced melatonin production may also leave you feeling tired and low in energy.
8. Enlarged breasts, sexual dysfunction and infertility in men
Remember that estrogen dominance can affect men as well as women. The most common signs of the disorder for men to look out for are enlarged breasts, sexual dysfunction and fertility problems. Men may also experience depression, fatigue and sleep difficulty.

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