
Doctor Gives 6 Reasons To Be Optimistic About Coronavirus

Doctor Gives 6 Reasons To Be Optimistic About Coronavirus COVID-19 has begun. How it ends is up to all of us. We can and will beat this but we need to take action. This is a balanced look at what we face without resorting to scare tactics nor ignoring the facts. Here are six real reasons to take action, but to remain positive.

#1: You can make a difference 00:02:32
#2: This virus is pussy-ass weak as shit 00:07:09
#3: The stats are better than you think 00:08:09
#4: Results from other countries 00:09:45
#5: Sciencing the shit out of this 00:10:15
#6: The kids are all right 00:12:22

Useful resources:

Thanks to numerous people on twitter that I've learnt a huge amount about SARS-CoV-2 from.


More Medlife Crisis:

Medlife Crisis,Medicine,Science,Education,Comedy,Doctor,Cardiology,Medical School,coronavirus,COVID-19,COVID19,nCoV,Disease,Infection,Pandemic,Epidemic,Reasons to be positive,Hope,Health,Infectious disease,Epidemiology,Contagion,Handwashing,Flatten the curve,Coronavirus treatment,

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