
How to Change a Villagers Trades in Minecraft

How to Change a Villagers Trades in Minecraft Changing a Villagers Profession and in turn, their trades has never been easier! And is incredibly useful if you're looking to get the best bargains from Villagers when trading for goods and emeralds.

Since the 1.14 Village and Pillage Update, a Villager's profession is now decided by the availability of Job Site Blocks- of which there are 13 (one for each profession).

You can change a Villagers Profession simply by destroying their old Job Site Block and replacing it with another. Alternatively, you can add additional Job Site Blocks to a Village so that Nitwit Villagers will take on new roles.

A list of Job Site Blocks and their corresponding Profession▼
Armorer- Blast Furnace
Butcher- Smoker
Cartographer- Cartography Table
Cleric- Brewing Stand
Farmer- Composter
Fisherman- Barrel
Fletcher- Fletching Table
Leatherworker- Cauldron
Librarian- Lectern
Stone Mason‌- Stonecutter
Shepherd- Loom
Toolsmith- Smithing Table
Weaponsmith- Grindstone

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EthDo,Minecraft,Village,Villager,Minecraft Villager,Villager Trades,How to Change a Villagers Trades in Minecraft,Minecraft Village and Pillage,Job Site Blocks,Farmer,Cleric,Weaponsmith,Fisherman,Toolsmith,How to get the Best Villager Trades,How to improve Villager Trades,#Villager,#Minecraft,What a Deal Achievement,Minecraft 1.14,Emerald,Minecraft Emeralds,Improve Villager Trades in Minecraft,Best Villager Trades,

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