
Queen Assigns Mi5 Official To Meghan - Camilla Is LIVID

Queen Assigns Mi5 Official To Meghan - Camilla Is LIVID *fair use act*
*Entertainment purposes only*
*Allegations Rumors Gossip Opinions Leaks Facts Theories Research hearsay discoveries speculation*

Queen Elizabeth ii had a secret meeting with Mi5 a while back and turned out she ended up assigning an official to Meghan during this last tour. She's fearful meghan will act up & she will try to pull something before the end arrives.

and she already started by contacting the right media outlets letting them know they can post all of her National Theater pics out trying to over shadow Camilla and her DOMESTIC ABUSE talk.

so much more is happening,too!

why is she able to get away with this?

Thanks for watching ❤️
stay safe and be blessed ๐Ÿ™❣️ Ash

Thank you to everyone who contributes to my channel!
y'all help so many innocent creatures and for this , I am grateful AND I KNOW THE ANIMALS ARE.

Doria Ragland,Thomas markle Sr,Rachel markle,Harry markle,latest British Family news,meghan markle,prince Harry,queen Elizabeth ii,wow,Camilla tried putting her domestic violence info out,

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