King County located In Washington State , Originally named after a slave owner by the name of "William Rufus King" and Not Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. until the year of 1985. King County is the home to the Racist City Of Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Renton, and Medina. In This Video Two African american/Black Men were Clearly targeted out based upon race, however The one who calls himself Mr. Canty is an "Activist" and this rookie cop is unaware about what is about to happen next, Mr. Canty is very well known in the community for upholding the United States Constitution and making sure that "The Rights Of The People Are Secured" Especially when it comes down to "People Of Color" The Rookie Cop in the video could not match up the description of his made up suspects lol , none of the men were wearing any black hoodies at all, The one man says in the video his bookbag is blue and not black , the other man in the video points out that his paints are not dark, also there is no mistaking any color that the men are wearing because it's broad daylight. Mr. Canty keeps on saying robbery and not left for this reason ... In the courts the terms robbery and theft are interchangeable, however Mr. Canty is clearly from New York and people in New York don't say you theft me, they say you robbed me! King County is also training other cultures/races of people to racially profile Blacks in The United States Of Corruption! We will start to release these videos systematically in hopes that the videos will bring awareness of the racist tactics and behaviors of King County located in the state of Washington, home to the city of Racist Seattle, Bellevue, Renton, Kirkland, Medina, Federal Way, and Kent . This docuseries is intended to affect King County's revenue as well.
King County,King County Wa,King County Washington,Seattle,Seattle Wa,Seattle Washington,Bellevue,Bellevue Wa,Bellevue Washington,Kirland,Kirkland Wa,Kirkland Washington,Renton,Renton Wa,Renton Washington,State Of Washington,Washington State,Puget Sound,Bellevue Police Department,Seattle Police Department,