Question things... To seek your own truths and learn for yourself. We must not be led our whole lives. Find courage within ourselves and trust to be guided to our TRUE PURPOSE. No one else can tell you who you are. You must go within and learn for yourself. If you do not find your gift within that makes you uniquely different then you will never find your self VALUE, SELF WORTH. And you MUST in order to appreciate and truly love yourself UNCONDITIONALLY. We cannot do for another that which we cannot do for ourselves. How can you love or understand another if you do not for yourself? How can you uplift and add value into someone elses life if you are not speaking kindly or well of yourself. You can help another person but it will only be a portion of yourself. Not your TRUE HIGHEST SELF. And these days most people won't even help another person unless it's serving them a purpose, reward, or benefit. We must remember to give unconditionally... Universe always rewards good deeds. That which we put out, we get back in kind. So be mindful of how you speak and think and treat others.
You may think you're sneaky or getting over on others but you're REALLY HURTING YOURSELF because it comes back on you and the other person will be even more blessed from your ill-intentions. So you can lie to yourselves, or others, but you can't lie to the universe. In-tuned souls will sense your intentions as well, so focus on what you're putting out into the world because NOW is a time for awakening and heightened senses for a lot of people so you can't deceive as well as you think you may be. So do us all a favor and just love yourself so you can love us all back unconditionally because that's what WE ALL DESERVE. Free yo minds... the REST WILL FOLLOW! NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO ALL! Much love and happiness! 🙏
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Courage,be a leader,appreciate yourself,question things,vibrations,awakening,energy shifts,know who you are,self worth,self love,unconditional love,awareness,mindfulness,spirituality,