To those who either aided and abetted these evil creatures to carry out their evil deed or who ignored any request for assistance, at the appropriate time sudden fear shall grip your hearts may te Atua Aroha have mercy upon you at that time.
The NZ governments refusal to allow the children to be reunited with their parents simply because the children were now calling their kidnappers mum and dad Rangiatea finds chilling and obscene,
Rangiatea is deeply concerned about the well-being and welfare of these children and the governments refusal to inquire into the matter. Furthermore Rangiatea condemns all Maori Politicians Iwi Leaders Hapu leaders Mongrel mob leaders Black Power Leaders Nomad Leaders Killer Beez Leaders Head Hunter Leaders all Gang Leaders Bishops Pastors clergymen, community leaders, etc in fact Rangiatea condemns nearly every Adult in Aotearoa of child abuse for allowing the NZ government to continue abusing children.
Considering Child trafficking and Pedophile rings are being uncovered daily internationally and many of the leaders of these Child trafficking rings are Politicians Rangiatea is highly suspicious when Politicians and people of influence stand in the way of any investigation, into the safety and welfare of children.
Rangiatea understands MP Kelvin Davis stating that the children are fine,. that is the same excuse he used in refusing to investigate allegations of sexual abuse of children in the school by a school friend of his when he was the Principal. The ancestors of the abused and murdered children are waiting for you Mr Davis likewise Mr Shane Jones. Same as Mr Davis except MP Jones preferred to lie in his motel room and play with himself while watching Porn movies paid for by the tax payer. Rangiatea finds this situation laughable if it weren't so serious. Rangiatea leaves your punishment to the worms which will soon start feeding on your brains .
Of the OECD New Zealand has the highest rate of abuse of children and the NZ government leads the way. that is the legacy of the people of New Zealand. The landscape is picturesque and the scenery awesome but the people are sick.
Rangiatea requests that you burn the bastards E te Atua Aroha and upon the ashes of their indifference raise a new race of people for these wretched creature have strayed too far away from the path of decency to redeem themselves of their evil ways..
Rangiatea offers some thoughts in regards to finding an answer. Instead of listening to the ones at the top who have everything the people should try listening to those at the bottom who have nothing.The answer to the safety and well being of the children should come under the community not some nation wide group. How many tamariki is the Nation willing to sacrifice before they adopt this option. By God! The death maiming and abuse of children be upon the heads of those whom refuse to listen.
Ahua whakamua (Advancement) in the field o tangata whanaketanga (of human development) will
largely depend on natural stirrings at grassroots No reira (Therefore) it should receive ia mana pūroro (its driving force) from those sources rather than from an imposition of plans me nga tikanga i te tihi (and programs from the top)