
Upcoming NERFS CONFIRMED! Here's What Blizzard Might Target | Saviors of Uldum | Hearthstone

Upcoming NERFS CONFIRMED! Here's What Blizzard Might Target | Saviors of Uldum | Hearthstone Wondering which cards are going to be nerfed in the upcoming balance changes? Me too, but I have some guesses based on Blizzard's typical nerfing logic.



Feature | Hearthstone | Upcoming NERFS CONFIRMED! Here's What Blizzard Might Target

Hearthstone,Saviors of Uldum,Nerfs,Uldum Nerfs,Hearthstone Nerfs,Dr. Boom Nerf,Boom Nerf,Luna Nerf,Luna's Pocket Galaxy Nerf,Mage Nerf,Warrior Nerf,Hunter Nerf,Priest Nerf,Saviors of Uldum Nerfs,New Nerfs,Latest Nerfs,

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