
This is Why You Should Be Kind to Strangers

This is Why You Should Be Kind to Strangers This is Why You Should Be Kind to Strangers

Many times, we find it a discomfort to go out of our way to give a helping hand to strangers. It’s very easy to forget to be kind – most especially to strangers. Kindness has become a quaint concept in this obnoxious world.

Being kind to strangers does us more good than we can imagine. What goes around comes around. Showing kindness to strangers has a two-way effect, on the person who we are kind to and also on us. For starters, did you know that people who spend a portion of their income on others tend to be far happier than those who don’t? This puts a new spin on money buying happiness. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, it could be something small such as paying someone’s bill or buying groceries for an elderly couple.

Acts of Kindness Produces Joy

There’s a joy that accompanies acts of kindness, and this joy of giving seems to spark happiness in the brain. Adding to that, kindness is a remedy for anxiety; it calms your mood and takes the focus off yourself. Of course, there are several ways to reduce anxiety, such as natural remedies, meditation, and exercise, but the most natural way is just to be kind.

Kindness is one of those amazing gifts that only bear fruit when shared. Studies have shown that the person doing the kindness often gets benefited much more in terms of brain development than the one receiving the material reward of the act.

Kindness builds and strengthen communities.

Being kind to a stranger might just open a door to a new friendship or develop a social connection with someone. Never run away from showing kindness to strangers, because it’s simple. Unexpected acts of generosity that change lives, and a culmination of these small acts can change the world.

It Helps with Stressful Situations

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, each human being faces some sort of stress factor each day, it might even start with sitting in traffic on your way to work in the morning. To be able to cope and overcome stressful situations, an act of being kind to others reduces the stress factor by far. This is because it allows you to pay less attention to yourself and your problems. The moment you focus on doing good to others, enables you to get a break from your own problems. The added bonus is the appreciation shown by the person receiving the act of kindness. It also enables you to cope better with stressful situations, providing for improved emotional functioning.

So pause for a while and take a good look at your surroundings. Everyone needs a little help to get by. Showing unconditional acts of kindness to unrelated or unknown people without expectation of any profit or return is a great act of selflessness – it shows the beauty of heart and compassion manifested.

Kindness given or received from strangers is a beautiful thing. Why else should we be kind to strangers? Please share in the comments below.

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