
12 Signs of Teenage Depression

12 Signs of Teenage Depression Depression in children, teenagers or adults is much more than just a phase, I get so many comments from people telling me that their parents think how they are feeling is just a phase and it’s because they are a teenager.

Depression is a real condition, it’s a mental illness and mental illnesses are not just phases that come and go.

We all have times when we feel sad or down but depression is not just feeling sad or down, depression is a feeling os hopelessness, despair and sadness that does not go away.

If you’re a teenager or a parent of a teenager watching this video here are 12 signs of teenage depression

1 - Feeling deep sadness or hopelessness

2 - Lack of energy

3 - Loss of pleasure or interest in actives

4 - Feelings of worthlessness and guilt, which may include feeling ugly, stupid or not good enough

5 - Drastic changes in appetite or weight

6 - Avoiding and withdrawing from friends or family

7 - Becoming sluggish which could including talking, reacting and walking more slowly than others a similar age

8 - Negative views on life and the world

9 - Irritability which includes lashing out in anger

10 - Difficulty remembering, organising or concentrating

11 - Difficulty falling sleep, staying asleep or sleeping way too much

12 - Restlessness such as fidgeting or acting up

If you’re a teenager and you think you’re depressed, that’s okay, you are not alone, depression is one of the most common metal illness but the god news is its one of the most treatable too.

I would highly recommend you speak to your parents, family or however is your guardian about how you’re feeling and explain to them the symptoms you have and what you go through on a daily basis.

If you’re a parents and you think you’re teenage son or daughter is depressed please speak to them, ask them how their feeling, listen to them, please do not dismiss them or tell them this is just a phase, this will only make them feel worse and more isolated.

Seeing a doctor, a therapist or a mental health professional for your teenage son or daughter is the best way for your teenager to get help.


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