
Desire to Deny Light through Sensory Experience

Desire to Deny Light through Sensory Experience This short clip is a light hearted yet close look at sensory experience (mis-perception) as desired experience to deny Divine Light. Consciousness is a play of selecting and picking pieces and parts of images that seem "outside and separate" all an "act" for the purpose in which the body seems to respond to a "real" event, thus making the body seem real and separate. This is a trick. Jesus is calling us to look with him to see that this is desired experience to deny Divine Light ever present, and that for any seeming play in consciousness that makes the body real we can admit the desire for the experience (even aliens and cockroaches!) and ask for a miracle. See that in truth that Light is never changed by anything in form. See also that because we are innocent, the the direct looking with Jesus to admit and release the desire to deny Divine Light is here can be light and playful!

After the session Dayra, the Spanish translator, shared that she had just seen a roach (and screamed) prior to the Light Circle. She quickly prayed to Jesus for help and then the Light Circle started. The answer was for all of us!

In Jesus: A New Covenant, Jesus points to the power of direct experience of the Light within to clear denials of Divinity. In Light Circles we focus on the Light first, and in this Light beliefs and desires that seem to deny Awareness of unconditional Love, our true nature, are quickly cleared. And if asked, Jesus will reveal the subconscious denials. To join with Jesus/A brother to clear the desire to deny Divinity, reference the Joining in Light Miracle Worksheet.

This principle is being applied daily in the mornings in to ACIM Course lessons and the evenings via Zoom. To join click here:

Jesus: A New Covenant: Download Chapters

This demonstrates the speed and power of looking directly at beliefs and desires with Jesus- to focus on light and follow the light within as the speedup for Spiritual Awakening.

Drop all metaphysical discussions and explanations. You are Light and as Light you can see the truth of who you are now, and through the power of who you are beliefs can be dropped immediately. Jesus will quickly reveal every belief in the subconscious mind - the chaff that needs to be burned to reveal the good wheat- Unconditional Love.

To learn more about Joining in Light, start a Light Circle or to join a Joining in Light session via video conference, contact us at or visit the Joining in Light Silent Devotional Center on Facebook.

Date of Recording: Nov 19, 2019

“Nonduality”,“Non-Duality”,“A,Course,in,Miracles“,Jesus A New Covenant,“ACIM”,

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